Welcome to the Edge Community!

At Edge, we believe you have a choice in your education and our goal is to support your growth and help you meet your individual goals! Being a part of the Edge community means finding support from teachers, counselors, staff, and your peers. In a small school, we are all here to support each other and grow together. Below are ways in which we help each student meet their individual goals. Thank you for choosing Edge – let’s start building your success.

We Offer...

  • Animated student graduating

    Your Plan to Graduate

    Do you have a plan to graduate? Making a plan for graduation and life after graduation will help you reach your goals. Your plan can get you back on track and if you want to push ahead can help you graduate early! Graduation is about you and each students plan is unique to support your future1.

    Your Plan to Graduate
  • Recover Credit
  • Individualized Learning + Support
  • Flexible Schedule + Shorter Days
  • Small Classes + School SIzes
  • Counseling Services
  • Accelerated Learning
  • Multiple Campuses
Learn more about what to expect

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